This year we will be hosting our family Thanksgiving dinner. While I am excited, I'm nervous too. Last time we had Thanksgiving at our house it was CROWDED... We've got a new house now but our family is also larger so I am hoping that we've covered our bases and I have enough things to keep the kiddies busy!
Now normally I won't allow my MIL's oyster stuffing anywhere near the turkey but my FIL had some surgery last year and we didn't have a big family dinner. He love's the stuffing and he especially likes it when it is cooked in the bird, so... since he can actually eat solid food this year I am throwing my disguist out the window and stuffing the bird with oyster dressing. My DH is extatic as well. Truth be told the only two people who eat it is my FIL and my DH. Go figure.
The other item on the menu that has never made sense to me is baked beans. My MIL won't give me the recipe or even tell me how she makes hers so she is making them and bringing them over... Growing up we never had baked beans for any of the winter holidays but I am told it is a southern tradition... Which I don't get because none of us are from the south! Anyway they are out of this world rock star yummy so I'm looking forward to it.
I haven't gotten any of my projects done so I am sad about that but I'm hoping that over this long holiday weekend I'll get back into the swing of it and get stuff done! I'm also sad that I missed an online crop at Paper Popscicles...
OK and this week I've discovered Facebook... well I've always known it was there but I finally created an account and have slowly started adding friends. It is kind of fun and a great way to stay in touch with people.
Well I better get back to work... happy creating!